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Half of adult population in Sabah fully vaccinated

KOTA KINABALU: Half of the adult population in Sabah is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, with Beaufort and Putatan achieving 100 per cent first dose vaccination.

Sabah Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun on Friday said, according to data from the Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF), as of Sept 9, 49.5 per cent adult population in Sabah have completed their vaccination, while 65.8% have received one dose.

“Beaufort and Putatan are 100 per cent vaccinated with one dose, Kuala Penyu 94 per cent, Kota Kinabalu 86.7 per cent and Sipitang 81.5% per cent,” he said.

Masidi in his statement also said 2,246 Covid-19 cases were reported in Sabah on Sept 10 with more than half were tested from backlog samples, up to more than five days.

One new cluster also recorded in Kinabatangan, Kluster Sawit Perpaduan, after 82 new cases were found from the group.

Like the previous reports, close contact screening (55.5%) contributed half of the total daily cases, followed by symptomatic screening (714), 102 from existing clusters and 182 other screenings.

Category 2 remains the highest group with 1,473 patients or 65.6 per cent, 712 (31.77%) in Category 1, four in Category 3, two in Category 4 and one in Category 5.