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“Great For Storytelling” – M’sians Share How The OPPO Find Series Complements Their Life

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Some may see smartphones as just a communication device, but for others, a smartphone is a partner to share experiences with

Today, smartphones have become a part of our daily lives, and thanks to powerful features, we depend on them to record our memories. They also allow us to easily share these moments with friends and family, making them integral in our quest to tell stories.

Those of you who are aware of the going ons in the tech scene would know that OPPO is gearing up for the launch of a new flagship smartphone, the OPPO Find X3.

Before the device arrives here though, we caught up with some ardent OPPO Find X2 fans in Malaysia to hear about their journey with OPPO.

Here are their thoughts on how OPPO has helped them share their stories:

1. With a passion for adventure and photography, Amir Amali, better known as Micu, believes that today’s smartphone is an essential tool

“You can easily communicate with your friends, co-workers, and family, and it brings you closer, no matter how far you are. In the past, you need to bring your laptop around, but now that everything is on your phone, it makes things much easier now. You have everything that you need, right inside your phone,” he said.

Image via OPPO (provided to SAYS)

An avid traveller, Micu loves to capture photos and videos of his journeys, and believes that a photo is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to social media

He hopes that his content empowers his followers to embrace their inner beauty and be proud of who they are.

He shared, “Most of my photos have a meaning or story of my life behind it. Some people are afraid to show their beauty and they’re not confident with themselves. From my photos and videos, I want to encourage them to just be confident with yourself and be happy.”

This is similar to how OPPO’s devices have powerful camera features that help to capture the beauty in everything around him.

One of Micu’s travel photos, taken with the OPPO Find X2 Pro.
Image via Micu (provided to SAYS)

For Micu, the Find X2 has been a great tool that helps him pursue his passion

As a photography enthusiast, Micu is especially impressed with the various camera features of OPPO smartphones. In fact, most of the photos on his Instagram were taken using OPPO phones.

“Last year, I travelled to Penang, which is an ideal travel location in my opinion, because there are so many attractions and places to visit in the area, also because they have a lot of good food options there.

“I used the Find X2 to capture all my photos and videos there. It allows me to easily share whatever I want to share with the world.”

One of Micu’s travel photos, taken with the OPPO Find X2 Pro.
Image via Micu (provided to SAYS)

Throughout his travels, the technology and innovations of the various OPPO phones Micu has owned have helped him capture all the beautiful sights and memorable experiences

2. Hailing from Kuala Lumpur, advertising designer Tony Chen’s story is one of perseverance and determination

As a teenager, he was eager to explore a career in arts, but the many challenges he faced required him to rethink his options.

Having loved painting from a young age, Tony hoped to pursue a design course after secondary school. As his financial situation was not comfortable at the time, he had to work a part time job to support himself while studying.

He found it difficult to balance academics and work, and was unfortunately forced to give up his studies to fully concentrate on his livelihood. However, he kept his morale high and remained optimistic, and soon found a job that met his passion, becoming a designer at an advertising agency.

Image via OPPO (provided to SAYS)

Tony shared, “Even though I am unable to further my studies, this has never hampered me from lifelong learning—which has been my life philosophy”

“I share this sentiment with OPPO, as it has been on the pursuit of discovering remarkable technologies, with the goal of enhancing lives of consumers,” he added.

After years of honing his talent in graphics design, he Tony is now doing what he loves—expressing himself through his career in advertising and design.

Taken by Tony using the OPPO Find X2 Pro.
Image via Tony (provided to SAYS)

Speaking about his experience using the OPPO Find X2, Tony emphasised that the phone has been an essential tool in his career

As a designer, he loves the black high-density ceramic design of the phone. It also helps him be more efficient at work as he’s able to seamlessly transfer and share all his documents.

Additionally, since he loves photography, Tony enjoys how the smartphone’s ample storage space lets him take all the photos he wants. He always carries it around with him to snap fantastic photos whenever inspiration strikes.

Taken by Tony using the OPPO Find X2 Pro.
Image via Tony (provided to SAYS)

With powerful features and intuitive functions, the OPPO Find X2 has served Tony well, and he looks forward to continuing his journey as a Find user

3. Though he works as an accountant, Michael Teoh picked up vlogging half a year ago to add more colour into his life

He also wanted to challenge himself to focus on something other than his full-time job.

“I wanted to pick up a new skill and also expand my social circle, hence I started vlogging and sharing content on my social media channels.

“My inspiration comes from every aspect around me, from the littlest things like a video I watched online, to great things like our mother nature, as well as people around me; all these inspire me when I am creating content,” said Michael.

Image via OPPO (provided to SAYS)

With the goal of inspiring his friends, family, and viewers to see the beauty in everyday things, Michael loves sharing his ideas and experiences on social media

Taken by Michael using the OPPO Find X2 Pro.
Image via Michael (provided to SAYS)

“Even though I do not hope to gain anything from them, but I would love to hear that they have gained something from my content, just as how I learnt something from others.”

He also strongly believes that learning is an on-going process, which is one of the reasons he got into vlogging as well. He constantly teaches himself how to create better content by using the tools available to him, such as his OPPO FindX2.

Having tested it out before purchasing it, the deciding factor for Michael was how awed he was by the phone’s camera.

“The camera takes amazingly clear shots, and the AI feature really makes it easy to capture photos that are exposed properly,” he shared.

Taken by Michael using the OPPO Find X2 Pro.
Image via Michael (provided to SAYS)

Michael describes his life philosophy as being in line with what the OPPO Find series stands for, making it an ideal lifestyle partner for him

“As the brand language of the Find series suggests, we have to always push the boundaries, to constantly create new possibilities, which is a philosophy that I believe in. I always push myself for the best and never say ‘no’ or ‘it’s impossible’ to challenges even before I try it,” he said.

It’s time to tell the world your story, with the upcoming Find X3 that will be launching on 11 March 2021. Find out more here.

Check out these stories for more deets on the OPPO Find X2 series:

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