Irene Chang
SIBU: The Bukit Assek Help Centre has arranged for free disinfection for homes in the constituency.
Bukit Assek assemblywoman Irene Chang in a statement yesterday said priority would be given to those living or working in Tiong Hua zone as it has the most number of Covid-19 cases.
“For those who live in other zones, they are also welcomed to apply for the free disinfection services by contacting any one of the DAP elected representatives in Sibu (Irene Chang 019 819 6383, David Wong 019 868 5885, Oscar Ling 019 858 1085 and Alice Lau 019 887 3677).”
Tiong Hua zone is one of 31 zones in Sibu District worst hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, with more than 100 positive cases reported as at Tuesday.
Chang said Tiong Hua Zone was consistently in the top spot in the list of Covid-19 infected locations in Sibu for the past few weeks.
‘Hopefully, we will be able to bring down the cases in my area by disinfecting the affected houses and places,’ she added.
Chang said the disinfection services would be carried out for two months (from Feb 22 till April 21) and would be done by an experienced team who have been carrying out disinfection at the police and fire stations and private companies since the start of MCO last year.
She said each disinfecting session would cost RM350-RM450 (depending on size of the premises) but they had made an arrangement with Tommy Tie, the owner of Excellent Enterprise, to disinfect at a minimal cost which shall be borne by the party.
“As each disinfecting session would take around ½ to 1 hour (depending on size of premises), Excellent Enterprise team can only set aside the time to help sanitise three homes in one day which shall be arranged by us after we have received such requests.”
Chang said the current situation in Tiong Hua zone actually reflected the years of social and economic neglect which had resulted in the people there being more vulnerable to infection by the coronavirus.
“Poverty has forced many people, especially the rural-urban migrants to live in shared houses with many other households.
Houses are close to each other. Hence the higher risk of infection between neighbours if they interact with each other without practising strict social distancing and putting on the masks.”
The post Free disinfection of homes in Bukit Assek constituency appeared first on Borneo Post Online.