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Foreign Ministry: Malaysia welcomes establishment of new presidential leadership council in Yemen

PUTRAJAYA, April 15 — The recent establishment of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) in Yemen is a positive step towards finding a comprehensive political and peaceful solution to the Houthi insurgency in the country.

The Malaysian Foreign Ministry in a statement said Malaysia welcomed the PLC initiated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Malaysia also fully supports the initiatives by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Special Envoy for Yemen including the recent ceasefire agreement between Government of Yemen and the Houthis.

“This bodes well for the cessation of hostilities and unimpeded access for humanitarian relief to the people of Yemen.

“Malaysia reiterates its support for an inclusive and peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen through dialogue and negotiations,” said the statement.

It added that Malaysia is concerned over the prolonged conflict and urges the concerned parties to respect international human rights and international humanitarian laws.

On April 7, Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi issued a decree on establishing the PLC to succeed him in running the government and holding peace talks with the Houthis.

Hadi assumed power on February 25, 2012 after the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh was overthrown by a popular uprising. — Bernama