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Don’t forget Bersatu’s struggles, Ahmad Faizal reminds party leaders

Bersatu deputy president Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu delivers his speech during the party’s annual general assembly at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre in Kuala Lumpur December 18, 2021. ― Bernama pic

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KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 18 ― All Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) leaders must not forget the fundamentals of the party’s struggle after being given various positions, said deputy president Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu.

He said in the past six years, Bersatu being an ordinary political party was faced with those in power, saw the lack of integrity in managing money and went through an extraordinary political tests.

“A few of us started forgetting what we were fighting for. In fact, we began doing things which we had abhorred during the time when we had no positions. We must quickly turn away from these ill practices which veer away from the right path.” 

He said this in his speech at the simultaneous Annual General Assembly opening of the Srikandi and Armada wings here today which was also attended by Srikandi (women’s wing) chief, Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun and Armada (youth wing) chief Senator Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal.

Ahmad Faizal, who is also Youth and Sports Minister called on all Srikandi and Armada delegates to use the annual general assembly to re-strengthen the party’s political values. 

The Tambun MP also highlighted the party’s weaknesses during the Melaka state election recently which saw the pointing of fingers where the party’s failure was blamed on the local machinery, poor team spirit and members still adopting the old political model and not reaching out to voters

“Finally the party lost 26 of the 28 seats it contested. The Melaka state election proved that though support for Abah (Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin) and Perikatan Nasional was already solid and strong, the machinery and voter engagement efforts must also be strengthened.

“Our basic machinery such as the counting agents must be strengthened. We need to get our silent supporters to come out and participate to back the party,” he said.

Later, when asked about Umno’s insistence to hold the 15th general election (GE15), Ahmad Faizal said for now, all political parties and leaders need to give priority to the people as they have just recovered after the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said the government has little time left to improve the situation and politics should be of secondary importance.

“When it is time for the GE to be held, we will restore all those rights and carry on with our political activities. For now, we have to put the interests of the people first … that is my personal recommendation,” he said. ― Bernama