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Did you show Opposition MPs your middle finger? Dewan Rakyat Speaker asks deputy minister

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Azhar Azizan Harun is pictured outside the Parliament building in Kuala Lumpur December 1, 2020. — Bernama pic
Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Azhar Azizan Harun is pictured outside the Parliament building in Kuala Lumpur December 1, 2020. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 1 — Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Azhar Azizan Harun declined to make a ruling against Deputy Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Willie Mongin who was accused of making a vulgar gesture at the Opposition in Parliament today.

DAP’s Jelutong MP RSN Rayer had accused Willie who is also Puncak Borneo MP of showing his middle finger twice and asked Azhar to make a ruling under Parliament’s Standing Orders, saying it should not be dismissed as a joke as done earlier with another government lawmaker.

Pasir Salak MP Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman had earlier called Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman a “small boy” in mockery. No ruling was made then either.

“Is this true Puncak Borneo?” Azhar asked Willie this time around.

Willie was caught on camera making the gesture twice after delivering his ministry’s winding-up speech, which drew an outcry from Opposition MPs who called him “traitor” in Malay while thumping their hands on their tables in objection.

They were unhappy when he did not answer Syed Saddiq, who asked if the government would consider imposing a windfall tax for the palm oil industry.

However, Willie told Azhar that he did not show his middle finger as alleged.

“I want to stress that it is not true that I showed my middle finger. They saw wrongly.

“And if they think that I did, I am ready to apologise,” he said.

His reply only incensed the Opposition further and sparked another round of shouting.

“The deputy minister is a liar”, “you did it, just admit it” were some of the remarks heard.

Azhar ignored the commotion and adjourned the Dewan Rakyat sitting for the day.