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Check facts first regarding LPG price, Tupong rep tells Stampin MP

Fazzruddin fielding questions from reporters. – Photo by Muhammad Rais Sanusi

KUCHING (Dec 6): Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman has called on Stampin MP Chong Chieng Jen to check his facts first before issuing a statement saying that the Petros Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders should be sold lower than RM26.60 per cylinder.

He explained that LPG was a controlled item that was subsidised by the federal government and that the price was set to be sold to the people.

He deemed this move as Chong’s another political stunt, adding that he was “not working” when he became the federal Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP).

“LPG is a controlled item that was subsidised by the federal government and the price was set to be sold to the people – so he wants to create a sentiment that they are fighting for the people saying that it should be sold at a lower price.

“But still, he (either) knows or don’t know the system because when he was the deputy minister, he did not work. Maybe this is the reason.

“As such, I recommend Chong to contact any KPDNHEP officers to be briefed on this before making such a statement,” he said when met by reporters after officiating the postponement of Mukim Sarawak Kuching Division briefing and distribution of donations from Islamic Affairs Department Sarawak (Jais) Mukim Pinang Jawa here today.

According to Fazzrudin, the setting up of LPG Petros was to improve the state’s income which will then be distributed to the people in Sarawak.

He said the profit distribution does not come in monetary form, but also in the form of aid, incentives and the creation of jobs as well as businesses.

“Before this, the profit was enjoyed by other companies based in Peninsular Malaysia. Now we have a state-owned company that will gain profit from the sales and distribute the dividend to the state government, which will then be used for the people,” he added.

Last Friday, Chong called on the state government to lower the price of LPG by at least ten per cent to RM23.80 per 14kg cylinder, or RM1.70 per kg.

He claimed that the devolution of LPG distribution rights from the federal government to Petros had not benefited the people of Sarawak as the price of a 14kg LPG cylinder is still the same as RM26.60, which is RM1.90 per kg.

“For years, the price of a 14kg cylinder LPG is RM26.60. The distribution cost for the delivery of the cylinders was left to the discretion of the delivery service providers who deliver the cylinders to the doorsteps of consumers, varying from RM1 to RM5 per cylinder depending on the distance and number of cylinders delivered.

“The MA63 Steering Committee during PH’s time has resolved that the distribution rights be devolved to the state and I have insisted that the feds continue providing the subsidy,” Chong said in a statement.

He then hoped that with the devolution of power in the distribution of LPG from federal to the state, the state government would add on to the subsidy so that Sarawakians will be able to enjoy cheaper LPG.

The post Check facts first regarding LPG price, Tupong rep tells Stampin MP appeared first on Borneo Post Online.