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Barge brawl in Muara Tabuan leaves two dead, one seriously hurt

Mancha (front, centre) scrutinises over some of the items seized from the barge. He is flanked by Lukas (right) and Mohd Hafizi, while behind them is Ahsmon.

KUCHING (Aug 17): A brawl that occurred on board a barge berthed at Muara Tabuan here early yesterday left two local men dead and one severely injured.

Sarawak Deputy Police Commissioner DCP Mancha Ata said the incident was reported to have happened around 2.30am.

“The injured victim is a local, in his 50s, while the two others who died were in their 20s.

“We received a call via MERS 999 from a member of a public, who reported about a fight taking place on board the barge.

“The paramedics, in their preliminary checks, identified wounds on both bodies caused by sharp objects.

“The injured man also sustained similar gashes on his body. He was later sent to Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) for treatment.

“His condition is reported to be stable now,” said Mancha during a press conference at Sarawak Police Contingent headquarters at Jalan Badruddin here yesterday, adding that one of the dead men was the skipper.

Later during the day, a 47-year-old foreigner was detained after having surrendered himself at the Bintawa police station.

“The foreigner is the suspect in the case. My men have obtained a seven-day remand order on him, taking effect today (yesterday), to facilitate investigation under Section 302 of the Penal Code,” said Mancha, who was accompanied by CID Sarawak chief SAC Lukas Aket and his deputy ACP Mohd Ishak Yaakob, Kuching District police chief ACP Ahsmon Bajah, and Kuching CID chief DSP Mohd Hafizi Ishak, at the press conference.