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As borders reopen, local tourism is still a popular choice for travellers

More than half of people surveyed in the UK and France prefer to make travel plans in their own countries for the coming months. – Unsplash pic

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NEW YORK, April 23 – More than half of people surveyed in the UK and France prefer to make travel plans in their own countries for the coming months. Even Americans, who are great travellers, will largely choose to rediscover their homeland during their vacations. In short, it seems that domestic tourism will not be any less successful with the easing of Covid-related travel restrictions.

At the height of the pandemic, there was talk of “revenge travel,” the frantic desire to make up for lost time by envisioning one travel experience after another as soon as the borders reopen. Many tourists have expressed nostalgia for their past escapades, and even for their various experiences on board airplanes. Some airlines have even been ready to take them for a spin on simple trips to nowhere. So you might have thought that with the vaccine roll-out and the easing of restrictions in many countries, travellers would be jumping at the chance to get back out there to explore the world.

Yet local tourism, buoyed by border closures at the start of the pandemic, is not over yet. Over the next 12 months, 45 per cent of Americans say they will plan trips within the US, while only 14 per cent will travel abroad, reports a YouGov Global Travel Profiles survey. Singaporeans are also unlikely to leave their home country (33 per cent). Even the British, who are used to travelling the globe, prefer to visit their own country rather than jet off abroad (52 per cent vs. 43 per cent). French travellers didn’t need to wait for the pandemic to appreciate their country as a great vacation destination. Unsurprisingly, they are the most numerous among the five nationalities surveyed to prefer domestic spots when considering future trips (60 per cent). Conversely, UAE residents, who have always travelled extensively, will continue to favour foreign getaways (61 per cent).

In fact, international travel is mainly a project for the youngest, aged 16 to 24. This is a situation that primarily concerns young British people, 66 per cent of whom plan a trip outside the UK. In France, the gap is very narrow between those who want to vacation at home and those who favour going abroad, at 51 per cent versus 53 per cent (for domestic trips). The same goes for young Americans (23 per cent versus 31 per cent for domestic travel). – ETX Studio

* The YouGov Global Travel Profiles study was conducted in March 2022 among adults in five countries (France, United Kingdom, United States, United Arab Emirates, Singapore).