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189 cases, three new clusters

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah recorded 189 new Covid-19 cases and three new clusters on Saturday, said Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun.

In Semporna, Kluster Indani was recorded on May 16 and adding another 11 new positive cases from the index case’s close contacts.

“A total of 96 samples were taken and 49 were tested positive while 35 are still pending,” he said.

In Tawau, Kluster Abaka with 38 cumulative cases was detected on May 14. The index case was a 26-year-old teacher who detected positive with his wife when coming back to work to Labuan after celebrating Hari Raya in Tawau.

According to the case assessment, the couple entered Sabah on May 8 and has involved in visiting activities in Taman Abaka, Ladang Table in Merotai, Tawau.

From 171 close contact screenings, 68 samples were negative while 65 are still pending.

“Kluster Melikai in Kuala Penyu involving index case from Labuan, going back to Kg Melikai Menumbok to celebrate Hari Raya on May 13.

“The case index was a 50-year-old assistant kindergarten teacher who was coughing and having fever but tested negative in her screening. After four days in Sabah the index case was tested positive after undergoing screening before given second dose of Covid-19 vaccine,” added Masidi in a statement on Saturday.

From 167 samples taken from this cluster, 15 more individuals were tested positive while 74 are still in process being tested.

Masidi in the statement also said the state government has decided to bring forward the inter-district travel ban, which was supposed to start on May 27, three days early due to the rising Covid-19 cases in the state.