KUCHING (June 20): Eleven longhouses in four districts across the state have been placed under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO), the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) said.
It said in its Covid-19 daily update that the EMCO for Rh Buli anak Amit, Sungai Semanok in Tatau had started on June 18 and will continue until July 1.
“Longhouses which started their EMCO yesterday (June 19) were Rh Salang anak Unsa, Sg. Separai and Rh Ricky anak Amin, Sg Kelawit in Tatau as well as Rh Dayang anak Serang, Batu 34, Jalan Bintulu-Miri in Bintulu, which will run until July 2 while Rh Ijau, Sg Kusing and Rh Lawang, Sg Kura in Pakan will undergo the EMCO until July 5,” it said.
It pointed out that three longhouses were placed under EMCO from today onwards namely Rh Jawa, Sungai Selangan and Rh John, Sg Minus Jakar in Sarikei (June 20 to July 6) and Rh Ulen anak Segaya, Nanga Tekalit in Tatau (June 20 until July 3).
There are also two longhouses in Sarikei which will undergo EMCO from tomorrow (June 21) until July 7 namely Rh Assun Simpang Koko Sg Paoh and Rh Man, Simpang Koko Sg Paoh.
The committee also announced the extension of EMCOs for seven localities starting from today onwards.
“The EMCO for Blocks D,G,H,I,O and Q of RPR Bandaria Park in Bintulu will be extended for another seven days from June 20 to 26 while Rh Bala anak Umba, Rh Tulu anak Sli, Rh Duah anak Entingi, Rh Balin anak Gema, SK St Luke, and KK Nanga Baoh in Batang Oya, Dalat will have their EMCO extended from June 20 to July 4,” it said.
It also said that the EMCOs for six longhouses have been lifted today.
They are Rh Entu Klampu, Engkelili; Rh Laka, Kampung Upik Lingga; Rh Tuntun, Kampung Seduku Ili, Lingga; Rh Gading, Kampung Ran Ulu; and Rh Entu Klampo, Engkelili, in Sri Aman as well as Rh Abong anak Madang @ Medan, Nanga Tekalit in Tatau.